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30 anillos de compromiso con esmeralda para matar de envidia

Jackie O, Halle Berry, Olivia Wild o Irina Shayk (esta ha sido la última) han lucido esmeraldas.

Jewellery, Fashion accessory, Engagement ring, Pre-engagement ring, Ring, Teal, Metal, Body jewelry, Diamond, Macro photography, pinterest

John Fitzerald Kennedy le propuso matrimonio a Jackie O con una esmeralda espectacular, Olivia Wilde lució una piedra central con un halo de esmeralda en su anillo de compromiso y Halle Berry también apostó por un tono verde en su joya más especial. Ahora, Irina Shayk ha mostrado su anillo de compromiso con Bradley Cooper, tras destapar su embarazo durante el desfile d eVictoria's Secret. Y, adivinen, la modelo también ha optado por la esmeralda. Es momento de decir adiós a los diamantes darle el '¡sí, quiero!' al color verde.

Ara Vartanian

Green, Jewellery, Yellow, Photograph, Fashion accessory, Teal, Amber, Fashion, Natural material, Turquoise,

Anillo de diamantes y esmeralda.

Ara Vartanian

Green, Yellow, Jewellery, Fashion accessory, Amber, Teal, Natural material, Aqua, Fashion, Turquoise,

Anillo en forma de pera con diamantes y esmeralda.


Jewellery, Product, Yellow, Green, Photograph, Fashion accessory, White, Amber, Pre-engagement ring, Ring,

Anillo de esmeralda y diamantes en platino.

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Cathy Waterman

Green, Teal, Aqua, Turquoise, Gemstone, Emerald,

Anillo de esmeralda Leafside.

Chanel Fine Jewelry

Jewellery, Teal, Gemstone, Metal, Natural material, Engagement ring, Body jewelry, Emerald, Ring, Wedding ceremony supply,

Anillo Épi Vendôme de Chanel.


Blue, Jewellery, Green, Teal, Aqua, Fashion accessory, Turquoise, Azure, Gemstone, Natural material,

Anillo de esmeralda y platino.

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Jewellery, Green, Fashion accessory, Pre-engagement ring, Ring, Natural material, Engagement ring, Teal, Fashion, Diamond,

Anillo de esmeralda y platino en forma de pera.


Jewellery, Green, Fashion accessory, Teal, Natural material, Emerald, Body jewelry, Aqua, Ring, Gemstone,

Anillo de esmeralda y diamantes en platino.

Harry Winston

Teal, Aqua, Turquoise, Emerald, Gemstone, Square, Crystal, Turquoise,

Anillo de esmeralda con diamantes.

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Irene Neuwirth

Green, Jewellery, Teal, Aqua, Fashion accessory, Turquoise, Amber, Natural material, Metal, Ring,

Anillo de esmeralda y oro rosa.

Irene Neuwirth

Green, Jewellery, Yellow, Fashion accessory, Amber, Teal, Metal, Fashion, Ring, Gemstone,

Anillo de esmeralda, oro amarillo y diamantes.

Irene Neuwirth

Blue, Green, Jewellery, Teal, Gemstone, Aqua, Metal, Ring, Silver, Mineral,

Anillo de platino, diamantes y esmeralda.

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Jemma Wynne

Jewellery, Fashion accessory, Teal, Aqua, Pendant, Body jewelry, Metal, Turquoise, Gemstone, Natural material,

Anillo de esmeralda, diamantes y oro amarillo de 18 quilates.

Jemma Wynne

Jewellery, Amber, Metal, Teal, Emerald, Gemstone, Diamond, Photography, Body jewelry, Pre-engagement ring,

Anillo de esmeralda, diamantes y oro amarillo de 18 quilates.


Jewellery, Teal, Body jewelry, Metal, Aqua, Natural material, Gemstone, Turquoise, Silver, Jewelry making,

Con diamantes y esmeralda.

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Oscar Heyman

Yellow, Green, Amber, Jewellery, Teal, Emerald, Aqua, Turquoise, Gemstone, Body jewelry,

Anillo de oro, diamantes, platino y esmeralda.

Oscar Heyman

Blue, Green, Jewellery, Aqua, Teal, Turquoise, Crystal, Gemstone, Mineral, Natural material,

Anillo con tres piedras de esmeralda y diamantes.

Oscar Heyman

Green, Jewellery, Ring, Teal, Natural material, Pre-engagement ring, Gemstone, Aqua, Macro photography, Engagement ring,

Anillo de esmeralda y diamantes.

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Stephen Russell

Green, Teal, Aqua, Turquoise, Rectangle, Paint, Silver,

Anillo de platino con diamantes y esmeralda colombiana.

Stephen Russell

Jewellery, Emerald, Metal, Gemstone, Teal, Diamond, Silver, Body jewelry, Ring, Mineral,

Anillo de platino con diamantes y esmeralda colombiana.

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